© 2004-2021 Thomas Jäkel
Health Problems
Wagler's viper can be a problematic species in
captivity. This is mainly true for wild-caught adult
animals that have suffered stress and dehydration
during storage and transport. Any new animal
arriving in a collection should be put in quarantine
for at least 2 months, and kept under optimum
conditions as outlined earlier. Quarantine means
also that the keeper restricts his use of tools for
handling the animal or cleaning the cage to this
particular snake. A separate room is definitively an
advantage given the fact that bacterial and viral
infections can spread easily among a keeper's
snake population.
To check the health status of newly arrived
animals, they should be placed in a container with
water (water level about 2 cm high) for some
hours. Dehydrated animals usually start to drink
and may defecate after a while. Injection of
physiological saline solution (available in a
pharmacy) under the skin may also help to recover
dehydration. If a viper accepts food (live or freshly
killed mice or rats) it is usually a promising sign
and further husbandry may not become difficult.
If a Wagler’s viper raises its forebody, opens its
mouth, and strongly pumps air into the lungs
(often associated with a 'click' sound), this is a sign
of lung infection. Badly affected animals contain
heavy loads of mucus in the lungs and may
eventually die of suffocation.
Most keepers regard this snake doomed once lung
infection sets in, but this must not be the case,
especially if only the lung is affected. Antibiotic
treatment may help at this stage, but we firmly
believe that putting the animal solitary (stress free)
under the right climatic conditions (high humidity
and fresh air) is the best strategy to save it.
Most Wagleris that die in captivity, succumb to lung
infections. In our collections, we have found the
bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa as the main
culprit (which was confirmed by various
veterinarians), although it was not always entirely
clear whether or not it was the only cause of
disease. It became clear, however, that excessive
mucus production in the lungs was associated with
multiplication of the bacterium and that using
antibiotics removing P. aeruginosa cured affected
As P. aeruginosa is a wide-spread species being
present in almost every corner of this planet, it
makes little sense in trying to sterilise cages and
the entire environment of snakes. It is much more
effective to keep snakes under optimun conditions.
If the snakes are kept in a large cage with dense
vegetation, special care should be taken that
ventilation reaches every corner of the container.
It is very dangerous to keep a sick animal infected
with P. aeruginosa in contact with healthy snakes.
Despite its general presence in the environment, it
seems that the bacterium can mutate to forms that
are highly pathogenic for the snakes. After I wrote
this, a very interesting scientifc investigation was
published that strongly support my view:
Pseudomonas bacteria can sense the immune
status of its host and change its virulence
accordingly. Once an infected animal becomes a
carrier for such a pathogenic population, healthy
Wagleris in the same room may become infected
and ill very fast. When we transferred pathogen-
free healthy Wagleris into a room which contained
sick animals, the newly introduced animals (with
no previous history of disease) became ill and
some of them died. Aggressive P. aeruginosa
infections usually spread through the whole body,
and may produce visible eruptions under the
scales and skin of a snake. They even invade the
eyes and may cause blindness.
Viral infections like paramyxovirus that can wreck
havoc among many snake species are probably not
very pathogenic to T. wagleri, as apparently healthy
animals were diagnosed as latent carriers of this
virus. However, we have experienced sudden
losses of seemingly healthy individuals which is
quite indicative of viral infection.
The best way to maintain healthy populations of
Wagler's vipers in captivity is to start with newborn
or young animals and not bring them in contact
with any other snakes, be it wild-caught or through
exchange with other keepers.